This week, Plús Hús is now officially a California Certified Green Business…
…though we have been green this whole time. Conservancy has always been a passion of ours, especially with our Icelandic background. We Icelanders have always held the land with the upmost respect she deserves by limiting waste, being mindful of our use of natural resources, taking only what we need, and restoring what was taken.
There are always choices we can make to help contribute towards the stewardship of this earth we live in. For example, we use re-usable cloth towels in lieu of paper towels and employ a gray-water system in our office. On a larger scale, we can use alternative building materials like our award-winning mnmMOD panels that reduce waste, resist fire and fire spread, and even reduce energy consumption with highly efficient insulation. The absence of wood framing also cuts down on termite damage and the use of harmful pesticides that hurt our health and wellbeing.
Susy from the City of Santa Monica attaching our certification.
Thankfully global attention towards protecting our natural resources are being centered and heard. Plans for our future are taking shape and solidifying every day. We are excited to see what creative innovation we can all explore and make.
Check us out on the Santa Monica Certified Green Business Directory.
At home with our office greenery